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Equip & Engage Weekend

Our apologetics camp for middle and high school students is designed to prepare the next generation of leaders to become evangelists among their peers and in their schools. Hosted by local churches, the camp offers a comprehensive package with minimal costs to the host organization. Through interactive small group activities, students will tackle common objections to Christianity, while games and exercises foster critical thinking. The engaging sessions, activities, and resources this weekend experience provides are designed to ignite a deep enthusiasm in students, motivating them to engage those around them with the transformative power of the Gospel.

During an Equip & Engage weekend, students learn about how to have conversations around some of the most common objections to Christianity. Below are detailed resources to help further their understanding on these topics.


For a long time, there has been great debate about how science and God’s existence relate to each other. Some argue that to believe in God is to deny science and to believe in science is to deny God’s existence. In reality, this is simply not true. As we look at the magnificent diverse universe and all which is within it we are left with the question – where did it all come from? Those who do not believe in God may point to something like “The Big Bang Theory” to answer this question but has no answer for what or who caused “The Big Bang Theory.” The Bible however directly answers this question in Genesis 1:1 as it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The Christian worldview answers what and/or who behind what caused the universe to exist, science does not. Science can describe what it observes in the universe but is limited to doing only that. The Christian worldview says that God, who is not limited by time or space, is the artist who crafted all of creation including time and space. This includes the billions of microscopic cells in the human body to black holes in outer space and everything in between. The detail in creation points to the universe we live in being intentionally designed. Therefore, the question is – what or who designed it? Science describes the intelligent design but cannot make sense of why it the universe is intelligently designed. The Christian worldview provides an answer to the intelligent designed universe, an intelligent designer – God! Consider that every single person on this planet was created by their parents. If we think about each couple of parents as a link in a chain and we were to follow that chain back all the way to the beginning, what would we find? The chain must anchor somewhere. In other words, this chain of causes must have a first cause, something which began it all. God is the greatest explanation as to how life was created, because life cannot come from non-life. Something does not come from nothing. Therefore, intelligent life cannot just randomly appear but must be and is designed purposely by the Creator God (Psalm 139:13-16). From the smallest innerworkings of a cell to the beginning the universe, the “thumbprints” of God are made visible (Psalm 19:1). Therefore, science does not disprove God but rather it gathers information and data of the highly designed universe pointing to the Almighty God being the creator of all things. Science needs God to anchor all its claims about the universe it observes. This means science does not disprove God, but rather points to His very existence.

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For many years of my life, my regular chore around the house was mowing the lawn. I dislike mowing the lawn with an intense passion; my pent up anger against the obstinate lawn mower was always exasperated by the sweltering Florida heat, and with every reluctant step, I watered the grass with my sweat and tears. Even worse was the frequent realization that I had missed a small patch of grass! Every time I mowed, no matter how hard I tried, I always missed some small patch of grass, which in turn ruined the rest of the lawn, like a desert in the midst of an oasis. Regardless of how good the rest of the yard looked, my eyes were immediately drawn to the small mishap in my manicured masterpiece, and I could not rest until I had cut every blade of grass to uniformity.


As humans, it is our tendency to notice the bad patches of grass and not appreciate the rest of the greatness surrounding it. Similarly, when we look back at the history of Christianity, it can be easy to fixate on the rough patches. Regardless of all the good accomplished by Jesus followers throughout history, focus is often drawn to the worst parts. Many great Christian leaders have fallen due to sinful actions, and the Bible has been used to justify some evil movements, such as antebellum slavery and a few crusades. As Christians, how can we come to terms with these events? I think there are two factors to consider when we look at these metaphorical patches of uncut grass.


If Christianity had fizzled out with the death of Jesus, how different would the world look today? Obviously, it is impossible for us to truly know what the world would be like without Jesus, but it is safe to assume that everything would be drastically different, and likely different for the worse. Belief in Jesus has caused billions of people in the last 2,000 years to live more virtuous lives, and the moral teachings taught in the Bible are the foundation of many governments and laws. Healthcare, literacy, women’s rights, education, science, and abolition movements all find their roots in the teachings of Jesus, and many of the greatest authors, musicians, and scientists in history were Christians motivated by a desire to worship God and learn more about Him and His creation. Yes, there are certainly rough patches in the Church’s history, and we will not shy away from the damage done by so-called “Christians” in the past. However, beyond the rough patches of Christianity is a whole lawn of goodness. We cannot allow the impact of true Christianity for good to be overshadowed by the twisting and misuse of Christianity for evil throughout history.


Taking a step back, it is important to note that the truth of Christianity is not found in the way imperfect humans practice it. Even you and I fail every day as we try to live like Jesus! Rather, the goodness of Christianity should be evaluated by analyzing what Jesus taught and practiced. Jesus taught that we should live at peace with one another (Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18), love one another as we love ourselves (John 13:34, Matthew 5:43-44), and to do good to everyone (Galatians 6:9-10, James 1:27). As Christians, we often fail to do these things, despite the fact that Jesus commanded us to. However, if we commit some evil, this is not the fault of Christianity! It is our own fault for falling short of the glory of God by not following the teachings of Jesus. Much like the satisfaction that can be found in a perfectly cut lawn, we can be satisfied knowing that Jesus lived in a way that produced peace and goodness, paving a way for us to enter into a relationship with Him.


The simple truth is that Christianity has made the world a better place throughout history! Our metric for how good Christianity is should not be based on the imperfect Christians of the past, but on the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus.


One of many desires seen in our culture today is a desire to be inclusive. This is seen quite a few different ways. Such as wanting to be inclusive of lifestyles, orientations, and worldviews. Now, is it wrong to be inclusive? Of course not! However, the desire to include people and views has blinded many from seeing why this may be problematic. For example, regarding worldviews, some have trouble with Christianity being the only correct religion. They may say it like this… “There are so many religions out there how can Christianity be the only right one?”. For some, this seems impossible due to the number of options around the world but this is also seen as arrogant and rude that anyone would say or believe such a thing. As Christians, this is not something we believe without good reason. There are 3 Laws of Logic that govern all thought some even call this the grammar of thought. The second of these three laws is called the Law of Non-Contradiction, and it states the two or more opposing statements or views cannot be true at the same time and in the same sense. An example of this would be if someone were to say that Liberty University is located in the state of Virginia and someone else says that Liberty University is located in Iowa. These statements conflict. Liberty University cannot be in both of these states at the same time in the same sense. Now, if we apply this law to all of the religious worldviews around the world what we find is that they all make conflicting statements on very important topics such as Does God exist? How many Gods are there? What is Heaven? What is Hell? Did Jesus die and rise from the dead? These conflicting statements are not things that we can say are superficial. These views are fundamental to these worldviews.  As a result, we only have two options. Either all religions are false, or all religions are false except one. When we look at what these religions have to say about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christian faith is the only one that accurately gives an account of who Jesus is and what He has done. In the Gospel of John Jesus says… “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one can get to the Father except by me.” Jesus does not open it up to the possibility that there can be multiple ways but there only being one way. More importantly, Jesus claims to be truth personified! Jesus, who is truth, is the only way we sinners can be made right before God. This is not an arrogant claim but one that corresponds with reality.


The all-too-familiar phrase commonly heard throughout middle schools, high schools and colleges alike; one that oftentimes distracts those in their curious pursuit of the truth in Scripture. In many instances, this phrase is used by skeptics as a weapon against the foundations of Christian theology. These individuals claim that the reality of eternal punishment in hell is inconsistent with the Christian claim of a loving and compassionate God. In fact, hell as a consequence for sin makes the Christian God evil, unforgiving and one that is not worth following. Perhaps this would be a rational response if God was eagerly waiting send people to hell. However, the reality is that God doesn’t want to send anyone to hell. It is those that are separated from God and reject his plan of escape through Jesus that endure eternal punishment in hell.

You see, God is perfectly holy, just and loving- in His presence there cannot eternally dwell any form of sin or unrighteousness. Mankind is sinful, by nature, choosing to go their own way, and thus, falling short of God’s standards of perfection. Because of sin, all people are separated from Him and cannot dwell in the fullness of God’s eternal life-giving presence. Isaiah 59:2 says, “but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” The sinful state of man disqualifies them from the possibility of eternity in heaven with God and, consequently, results in eternity in a place of darkness called “hell.” Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death…” The good news is that the story does not end there. Despite our sin against God, He still desires to save us.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 explains, “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” God did not leave us hopeless but, instead, in His vast love for all mankind, He broke into this sinful world to rescue us from our fate in the person of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:4-5 says, “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” This opportunity for our redemption from sin comes through the person of Jesus Christ, whom God sent to the world to die a death that we deserved for our reconciliation and subsequent opportunity at eternal life in heaven with Him. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Through this merciful opportunity we are given by God for the forgiveness of our sin against Him, we can know that God, in fact, does not desire to send people to hell, He desires to save them from it. All people are given the choice to accept His free gift of salvation by confessing Jesus as Lord over their lives. Romans 10:9 says, “Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Ultimately, if the choice is made to reject God and live without Him, the individual is eternally separated from God in hell. John 3:18 says, “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” God desires for every individual to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but, in love, will not force or impose Himself upon anyone. His offer to you is open and loving. Will you accept the life-giving grace of God?