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Can We All Be Gods?

Can We All Be Gods?

I remember when I was a kid hearing the expression, “You can be whatever you want to be.” It was one of those expression that parents or teachers would say to encourage their kids to pursue their dreams and strive…

What Does the Bible Say About my Suffering?

What Does the Bible Say About my Suffering?

The world we live in is full of suffering. From the hurts we experience day-to-day, like bruises and bullies, to…

Why Has New Age Become Popular?

Why Has New Age Become Popular?

You are surrounded by new age beliefs. Don’t believe me? When is the last time you were in the airport…

What Does New Age Actually Believe?

What Does New Age Actually Believe?

The new age movements rapid growth in western culture has made people ask the fundamental question, what do “new agers”…

What is New Age?

What is New Age?

If you are one of the many people who have heard the sentence, “I am not religious, I am spiritual”…

How to Share your Faith with your Jehovah’s Witness Friend

How to Share your Faith with your Jehovah’s Witness Friend

Imagine you’re having lunch with a new friend, and the topic of faith comes up. You share that you’re a…

What Does it Mean to be the Salt & Light in the World?

What Does it Mean to be the Salt & Light in the World?

Christians are called to be the “salt and light” of the world, as described in Matthew 5:13-16. This calling means…

Is My Jehovah’s Witness Friend a Christian?

Is My Jehovah’s Witness Friend a Christian?

This post explores why Jehovah’s Witnesses do not align with the historical, biblical faith of Christianity, especially regarding their understanding…

How To Share Your Faith With Your Friends

How To Share Your Faith With Your Friends

As believers, we see a lot of darkness and suffering in the world. This makes it even more important to…

Is Apologetics A Vain Pursuit?

Is Apologetics A Vain Pursuit?

You may have already heard of the study of apologetics before crossing paths with this blog, and you may have…