As believers, we see a lot of darkness and suffering in the world. This makes it even more important to follow Jesus Christ’s command to share our hope in Him with others. Jesus’ death and resurrection offer us eternal forgiveness, salvation, and a close relationship with God. By believing that Jesus rose from the dead and declaring Him as Lord, we receive the amazing gift of eternal life with Him. This is the greatest gift we could ever receive! And we are called to share this joy and hope with others.

Let’s be real: sharing the Gospel can be tough because not everyone wants to hear it. People often reject it because they are comfortable in their current lives. Many don’t know about the hope we have because we haven’t taken the time to tell them. If you have friends who don’t believe in Christ, don’t avoid them. Instead, show them the love of Christ. Jesus’ Great Commission tells us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

Sharing your faith starts with your relationships. If you want to share your faith with your friends, you’re already on the right track. Here are three key ideas to help you:

  1. Live a Genuine Christian Life: Your life should reflect your faith in Christ. A life truly surrendered to Christ shows good fruit that others notice. This can prompt them to ask questions, especially if your life is different from theirs. You can do this by spending time reading the Bible and praying. The more time you spend with God, the more His presence is noticeable in your life.
  2. Use Apologetics with Love: Apologetics means defending your faith, but it’s not about winning arguments. It’s about winning souls. When sharing the Gospel, focus on the hope it brings to everyone. Approach your friends with love and patience, not to attack their unbelief but to explain why you believe. Have honest conversations about tough topics and listen to their responses. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and share your testimony of how God has worked in your life.
  3. Have Hard Conversations with Love: Don’t be afraid to talk about difficult topics. Approach these conversations with peace, patience, and love. Listen to your friends’ responses without arguing. Think about what they say, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Share your beliefs in a way that glorifies God. Don’t be shy about telling them how the Gospel has changed your life and brought you from spiritual death to spiritual life through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.

Remember, sharing your faith isn’t just about talking; it’s about living out your faith and loving others as Christ loves us.