The headlines are full of tragic stories of suffering. All around the world, there are hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and droughts that wound and take lives. People see their livelihoods, families, and communities destroyed. This makes us anxious and afraid, because these natural disasters are evils we have little to no control over. Sometimes, disaster strikes us too, taking away our homes, our loved ones, or injuring or threatening us. This pain can be unimaginable and can seem overwhelming and hopeless. How do Christians respond to disasters like these?
The pain that comes from these disasters is the result of living in a fallen, broken world. In the New Creation described in Revelation, the apostle John points out specifically that there will no longer be any sea. (Revelation 21:1) In the minds of ancient people, as well as for many people today, the sea was a place of many horrors, such as great storms and dangerous creatures. The Scripture says that when God makes the earth new, all evil will be taken away, including the danger of the sea. For now, though, disaster lurks in nature as all creation groans under the weight of humanity’s sin. (Romans 8:22) The pain of this disaster will only be fully relieved when Jesus remakes the world. What should we do until then?
When Jesus lived on earth with His disciples, He taught them to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NKJV) Jesus asked that God would work His will through His church, so that when the church works, the world will become a little more like heaven. Christians serve and evangelize to expand Christ’s kingdom, restoring God’s order in the world. This means that Christians have a duty to labor to reverse the destruction caused by natural disasters. We cannot stop natural disasters from occurring, but we can help with the suffering they cause. Whether this means caring for the destitute, helping rebuild homes, or grieving with those who have lost loved ones, our ministry helps bring heaven down to earth.
This work of healing Christians do in the world is not the end of Jesus’ mission to earth. “Behold, I am making all things new,” Jesus says to those who wait hopefully for Him. (Revelation 21:5) Jesus has promised to return to the earth in glory, purifying it of all evil and suffering. Then, He will remake the world to be in line with His original intent for His creation, free of the curse of sin and death, a place where humanity will flourish. We work in Christ’s kingdom in the world today, but someday His kingdom will encompass all of creation, silencing all natural disasters that have plagued the earth for millennia. Until then, we have a mission to spread Christ’s love to all who are hurting, not living in fear, but confident that we shall be redeemed from this life’s suffering.
Written by Alex Steven